Welcome to Fiqh of Business part 1. This course covers:
Book of asset barring
- The effects of barring one from their assets
- Barring access from children, the insane and the mentally challenged
- Guardianship - Wilaayah
- Actions of a guardian
- Wikaalah - legal representatives
- That which break Wikaalah
- Liability when breaking once obligations as an agent
Book of business partnership
- 5 types of business partnerships
- Partnership based on physical and Monetary participation
- Venture capitalist partnership
- partnership based on reputation
- Partnership based on physical participation
- Combinations of the above - Managing agriculture
- Hiring
- Types of hiring
- Rights of the lessor and the lessee
- that’s which breaks a lease agreement
- Different types of employment
- how wages are earned - Chapter of competition
Book of Asset lending
- Benefiting from borrowed items and guaranteeing it
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